New bikes, new brain

The unnatural biker finally has an explanation for the unnaturalness. At the age of 5-cough I have been diagnosed with autism, with a side of ADHD and dyspraxia.

Currently struggling to process all this, not sure who to tell and how, kind of feels a bit like coming out. Will people accept it? Will they accept me? Will people leave because they can’t/won’t deal with what they think I’ve become? (Spoiler: I haven’t become anything, I just have a label for what I’ve always been)

it all makes glorious sense of my mind though. I thought at one point I had very early-onset dementia- I don’t, I’m just a menopausal woman with autism and this is normal!

I have a lot of processing to do but I’m still biking and will continue to do so. I’ve accepted I’m never going to be the Maria Costello of South Wales, but the fact that an overweight, middle-aged, menopausal, neuro-divergent woman can ride a motorbike at all is frankly, pretty bloody good.

I’ve had a bit of a change of stable in the intervening years so I will be lamenting the lost Lakshmi, recovering from the terrifying Captain Scarlette, and introducing Steed, my latest squeeze.

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